Theo Pike updates us on some recent projects at the Wild Trout Trust to add Large Woody Material (LWM) to rivers, improving habitats for trout and other species...
Simon Tilbury offers his key advice on how to make the most of your river fishing this spring - for him it’s the best wild trout fishing of the year...
Many fly anglers tend to pack away their gear during the heat of summer, but there’s still arm-wrenching sport to be had! On a recent trip to Rutland Water I was joined by Farlows Retail Manager, Tom Clinton, and Sales Advisor, Ashton Pohl, and we ...
To help you prepare for mayfly season, our Fishing Manager, Nick Hart, has prepared a ‘Fly of the Month‘ that details not just one pattern, but the whole life cycle of mayfly patterns that you need to have in your fly box right now...
The first sea trout are beginning to run so we asked Brian Fratel to reminisce upon some of his experiences of what is undoubtedly one of the most enigmatic of our species...