Nick Hart, is a bass fishing fanatic and wants everyone to discover this fabulous game species, check out this 'bass fishing for beginners' blog and make bass one of your summer targets....
Farlows Fishing Manager, Nick Hart, recently hosted a Farlows Travel trip to Punta Allen Fishing Club, situated in the vast wilderness of Mexico’s Ascension Bay...
To help you prepare for mayfly season, our Fishing Manager, Nick Hart, has prepared a ‘Fly of the Month‘ that details not just one pattern, but the whole life cycle of mayfly patterns that you need to have in your fly box right now...
Wrapped in a dayglo jacket with sparkly bits, Nick Hart’s fly of the month for March may not be to everyone’s taste - but it’s a damn near perfect reservoir pattern and he tells you exactly how to employ it to best effect...
Our Fishing Manager, Nick Hart, has huge experience of all types of fly lines and in our new video series he explains how to make the correct choices for your fishing